Chris' Waves to Broadway

The crazy thoughts and adventures that take me out of my Forest Hills home and hopefully lead me back to the Broadway lights.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Saturday, April 30, 2005

My New Sis

Originally uploaded by cscottredding.
Isn't she so CUTE!! Her name is Zoie. I can't wait to see her in person whenever I get back home to Ohio. I want one of my own.

Girls Night Out

awww the girls
Originally uploaded by cscottredding.
Colleen, Nicole O., Nicole H., Joy, and Shanna on a night out last week.

Sexy Pose

Originally uploaded by cscottredding.
Nicole Ortega and myself practicing for "H2OH!" Our final pose for the song "Lightning Striking Again."

Our Lovely Cast

green day
Originally uploaded by cscottredding.
Yay! A cast picture on green day. We all wore green of course and it happened to be Earth Day when we did it. Random. So, who are these lovely people? In the top row from left to right: Ken (Director/Assistant Choreographer), Joy, Me, Christopher, Nicole O., Shanna. In the bottom row from left to right is Colleen, Joven, Nicole H., Stephanie, Kaelen, and Ricci (Asst. Director/Asst. Choreographer). We have a new set of choreographers and directors for our new show, so these two are for our "Ultimate Broadway" show.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Bright Sunshiny Day

While rehearsing for our new show "H2OH!" (It's all about water folks. Go Fig) I connected with one of the songs. It makes total sense to me now. "I can see clearly now. The rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind. It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day. I think I can make it now the pain is gone. All of the bad feelings have disappeared. Here is the rainbow I've been waiting for. It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day." New year, new beginnings, and a new course. The clouds have disappeared and I feel more radiant than I have in the last year.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Love comes back around...

Since the beginning of the year, I've made contact with 3 former partners and I'm a good friend to my recent partner. It's an odd feeling. It wasn't so odd until recently. I was at the studio rehearsing and the guy who lied to me and broke my heart and then cheated on me showed up. I didn't ignore him because I'm not that kind of person, but I felt really uncomfortable. In the past few months I had been thinking about him since this new direction in my life came about. More along the lines of forgiveness. People make mistakes and it's been some time since that incident. I was cordial and chatted for a little bit, but I got swept away since I was working and had to rehearse. I never got to exchange info with him because of it, so we'll lose touch again (since I deleted all his info from the last letter I got from him where he openly admitted cheating on me whether he meant to do it or not 5 years ago). It's just funny how small a world this is. It's funny what a friendster search can do when you're bored at work as well. I was just going through names of old friends and relationships one day and another lost love showed up on line. I was delightfully surprised and shot out an e-mail. It turns out he's been the most helpful and inspiring friend in the new year. A very kind and giving soul and I'm still impressed by his talent. Around Easter I saw another one from my past. I think we are cordial friends, but like me sometimes he can be too busy with his lifestyle to communicate. My recent partner will probably turn out to be my best friend next to my best girlfriend in San Diego. Five years of being together is a long time of being together to just throw out a friendship and a good one at that. We are collaborating right now on a creative work that I hope will be a positive influence for both of us. I wonder what kharma is trying to tell me by sending my life in full circle and repeating events. Even with this cruise ship job. I'll just ride the waves and see where the current takes me next.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

This Old Body..

Today we topped off our first of three 50 minute shows. It was Broadway country. Oh My God was it Broadway country. Oklahoma/Seven Brides Barn Raising dances. It was about 7 minutes of complete athletic, polka heavy, tricks, and lifting girls kind of dancing. About 4 minutes into the piece after taking a day to learn it my body just collapsed. It couldn't do any more. It was kind of embarrasing. My muscles just would not put out and I felt like I was about to vomit. It's that intense feeling you get after a highly aggressive workout. I would feel it if I flat out sprinted when I would run in the past. I felt it just a couple weeks ago after doing Cardiobarre at Broadway Dance Center. I hope my stamina picks up or I'm gonna look like one tired cowboy. Tomorrow's a run through before we move on to the next show. We'll see. All the suits will be watching.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Happiness Is..

It's an amazing thing to feel happy. It's also amazing when you make others happy. I've been touched in many ways this past month. Rediscovering a happiness that I've appeared to have locked away in a drawer for a couple of years. Having others tell me how happy they feel when they are creating with me. Also making someone else happy just by paying attention to them and making them feel like they belong. Finally, memories. Memories of good times that you once had with someone special. The past month or so has been quite a whirlwind. Well, the past couple of years have been a whirlwind, but that's a different story. In the past month some life changes have happened. I quit my stable full time "golden handcuffs" of a job, moved out of my own place, started to create a theatrical work, and then packed up my life to move across the country to eventually travel the high seas again. At one time my friends noticed that I'd changed into a different person from what I was in San Diego. A most important person in my life noticed this change the most and it wasn't for the good. I realized that for a lot of my life I tried to make others happy before myself. I had times where I took moments for myself. Those few moments are when I truly felt free. It took a special person in my life to help me express my true feelings to those I've been hiding from. That same person allowed me to grow in so many ways to which I'm very grateful for these days. New friendships, new family, and a new lifestyle. Those San Diego years were the best years of my life. In the past month I've rediscovered some of those feelings that seem to have been locked away for a while. One day as a song came pouring out of nowhere, two of us were ecstatic. We played this song for our friend and she was very excited and the three of us created a moving piece. If only to us, it made the three of us very excited. Others seemed to like it the more we played it and from it, I came up with a storyline. Since then, things have been changing like mad. Positive energy has just been flowing around me in such a way I can't comprehend. The story not only brings out my happiness, but makes those involved happy to be a part of it. From this experience I started to get grounded again in my craft and auditioned again. I got a call and moved out to L.A. From this, things have been blossoming. I've been working with a fabulous bunch of singers. It was very emotional to hear how well we clicked vocally and in personality. These are also a fabulous bunch of actors. To be with them on stage even in this rehearsal process is a very positive and explorative experience. We were given notes the other day on our vocal run through and the positive energy that came from that session was so uplifting and encouraging. To top it off, one of my cast members came to me and told me how great they feel with me in performance during a run through and how special she feels to be included in the ensemble. To me, an ensemble is a definite must for a show to work. No separation, no divas, no exclusions. I'm only doing my job and trying to give energy in hopes to receive it back, but I guess in her experience this was a time where she genuinely felt included. That was a huge compliment and a great feeling. The cast as a whole is extremely positive and we feed off of each other's energy so well. It does feel good to be performing again with a cast that seems passionate about their craft. I haven't felt that way so much since being a part of "Ragtime" in San Diego. It makes for a very cohesive show. I'm definitely looking forward to the months ahead. Feelings of happiness never go away. They stay imprinted on your mind. Even if your mind fades away, those happy memories will resurface. Anything can trigger them. An old friend, a familiar place, or a simple telephone call. It's funny those little triggers. How strong their staying power is and how easily they can surface. A voice on the other end can create intense memories of those moments from the past. An odor flowing through the air can calm you knowing a soothing happy memory is associated with it. A place you go with friends and the energy that surrounds it can bring about intense happy emotions. It's our cushion in life. These are the things we hold in our hearts to get us through bad times. A happy memory to counteract the sad. I guess what I'm trying to express is that everyone needs a dose of happiness. Some need it more than others. Right now I'm in a happy place, but it seems some others may not share what I feel. I don't have a partner to share these great feelings with, but I have a wonderful family of new friends and a staple of trustworthy good friends to call, hang out or share a laugh. My family has always been supportive and to that I'm also very grateful. If you feel bogged down by life, don't just harp on what is making you unhappy. Get up and be proactive. Call a friend, put in a video, read an old letter, take out a picture, do something for you that gives you that positive energy. Life's too short to tuck it away in a drawer. I took risks, and I hope to tackle many more.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Boot camp for Broadway - All kinds of sore...

My typical morning. I wake up after an intense night of dreaming. Lately, I've been having these intense dreams. Could it be my brain is overloaded with information? Anyway, I wake up and notice there's a kink in my neck. I guess that was from that Hairspray number and the newly learned Tommy section of the Broadway review. No worries, I'll work through that in my hot shower. As I start to move my appendages and lift my legs out from under the covers, I feel my abs now crying out. Yup, that's from that cracked out Mama Mia section of the show I just learned the other night also from partnering and contractions throughout all the pieces we learned so far. My feet make it to the floor and I go to stand up. OH MY GOD!!!! My legs are crying out in horrific pain. That's from any male dancing I do in these shows because it's all about athleticism, not technique. Lots of lunges, Fosse like positions, jumping, and Oh yes EVERYTHING'S low to the ground for stlye. I manage to get to the coffee maker, my bloodline in the morning, and make some fresh brew before sitting down at the dining room table. Only that task isn't so easy because my glutius maximus doesn't want any pressure on it. I ease into the chair a la old man style and load up my daily e-mails that I hope to respond to when my brain is functioning (although for some reason my brain seems to be functioning enough for this entry). Oy! I enjoy the piece and quiet of my breakfast before I make my crazy dash to get ready for rehearsals. I meet my wonderful cast and head over to the studios in Inglewood for another fun-filled day of high energy choreography. I hope my muscles get used to this soon and my brain gets back on track. The good thing is I can see my spare tire disappearing. YAY!! I'm sure after another week of jacked up choreo, I'll be a little more trim and cut. That's where the payoff will be for my aches and pains. Another payoff will be seeing the faces on those passengers who just can't believe how much energy we have. Believe me, I don't know where it's coming from, but I hope it keeps flowing. Especially after I just learned the mind screwing Varisity Drag/42nd Street section of the show. I'm fried. It's flappers on speed folks. Tomorrow we learn the Latin section (America and Sweet Charity numbers) which thankfully I'm not in much of. Monday we learn the very athletic Broadway country section to wrap it up. Oh boy, I hear the cries of help screaming from my hamstrings already.
So, I lost the battle on the bumper duo (the welcome aboard show). It's the pop song "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart" instead of "I've Got the World On a String" a la Barry Manilow. It's pretty cute. Very choreographed. For all you Barry fans out there, through the chain link fence of the promotional area I see hoards of Barry's CDs, Tapes, T-shirts, programs, keychains, and all kinds of junk. I guess he's the main client there in the pop music realm. Quite fascinating. Well, I'm signing out. It's bed time for me. I wonder what the dreams will be tonight.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Vacation's over. Time to WORK!

Okay. So today (meaning Tuesday because our schedule was 4pm-midnight tonight) was a harsh awakening. So far we've been working through the shows and yes I HAVE been dancing. I'd say about 32 counts here, 16 counts there, another 32 counts there. Meanwhile the dancers are working their fannies off dancing for a straight 2-3 minutes per piece. I did this rocking dance combo and I was complaining about soreness. That was NOTHING. I started out today just lounging around as the female singer/dancer was working with the dancers on a hat and cane combo to "Razzle Dazzle." Everyone was sweating and I was chillin' with the other singers making jokes, studying now and then, going over small bits. Then it was my turn. It's the Tommy section of our Broadway show. The choreography started easy, and then we went to dinner. YAY!! Well, vacation was over starting at 9pm this evening when the dancers joined my section. Once my solo was over, I was a dancer. Boy was I a dancer and this was L.A. choreography. Brittany Spears on crack choreography. Funky hip hop moves and strong and fast contractions. My bucket started to overflow with each dance step. The highlight came when our birthday girl, Stephanie, shouted out "Jesus Christ" as I was being lifted in the air in the form of a cross. Had to be there I guess. It was a hysterical moment. The guys grab my arms, the girls support my feet and back. At this point I guess is the religious moment of the piece where everyone becomes fanatical about Tommy. Oy! Tomorrow we keep chugging along. I'm not in the dance numbers they're learning, so it'll be a big review day for me. If I can move that is. I'm not looking forward to the Seven Brides section of this show. Yikes!! Hey, but at least I see about 5-6 more pounds coming off me this week. Fabulous!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Free Beaches..

Santa Monica Pier

Sunday I was walking on Venice Beach with my friends Gladys, Michael, and Kristi. At the time, I was just enjoying the beautiful weather, the relaxing atmosphere, and East Village mixed with Chelsea Piers atmosphere. After further reflection I realized that "Hey, I didn't have to pay $6 to walk on the beach!!" Yes folks. EVERY beach in California is FREE to the public. It's not as much of a rare commodity as it is in NYC. Yes, there may be some suffering on the 405, the 10, or the 5 freeways before you get there as far as traffic, AND you must have a car to get there, but the weather is so nice that you can pick any day to go. It's not a rush to soak up the sun because it's the only bearable week to go or the only sunny day. They're also not that crowded because it's an everyday staple here. 365 days a week with maybe a week or two where the wetaher is too cool or too crappy to go. The downside is the smog. That's about it. The air IS a little thicker out here than on the east. ANYWAY, enough comparisons. You do need a car around here to get from place to place, so that's a little difficult now for a developed New Yorker. However, my mind has been so full of dance steps and lyrics that it really doesn't matter. I can walk to the mall 3 miles away (equivalent to 30 blocks) and major groceries and necessities are right down the street. A Forest Hills of L.A. Believe it or not I'm not actually sleeping in Inglewood, only rehearsing there. The apartments are located in Westchester, CA which is only a 20 minute walk to the studio, but far enough from Inglewood to be deemed safe. Just like parts of Brooklyn. All is going well though. A little sore still, but moving along and very happy to be performing again.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Dance Dance Dance..

Today was the first day of dance rehearsal. OH MY GOD!!! I'm going to be so sore tomorrow. The opening of our Broadway review is to "You Can't Stop the Beat" and I swear that the choreography in this show is 5x more active and complicated than the actual show on Broadway. I got to see a video of the cast currently on board the other day and it appears I do a lot of dancing. Especially in the Oklahoma/Seven Brides section. Oy!! Gotta get those dancin' feet going. Vocally, it's been great. I've been singing comfortably and hitting notes I've never hit before. The vocal coaches are pleased from what they've said and from what I gather from their energy toward me. One test passed. YAY!! I'm still waiting to hear about my physical, so that I'll hear about tomorrow or sometime next week. They shouldn't find anything since I just had my blood reviewed last October and nothing significant popped up. Nothing that would make me unfit for duty.
Tomorrow will also be my choreography test. I'll be working as a sketch group with a brand spanking new show. It seems they are taking away the cheesy all tracked 10 minute all aboard shows and replacing them with singer featured 10 minute shows. This is the first show the passengers see from the cast their first night on board. In the past these have been heavily tracked, all danced, beads and feathers kinds of shows. The girls come out with huge Vegas style back and head pieces and it's just a bunch of glitz and glamour to flash the audiences. These shows, from what I understand, have made audiences NOT want to see the cast in other shows since it puts them off. Especially with the American Idol craze (since in these types of shows the singers don't sing). So now I guess the costumes will be toned down a bit. We open with a huge dance number and the singers fill in the meat of the show in a cabaret-like style with full songs. The male and female leads get their own song, and the second leads get a duet. We each have 2 options. My partner and I have to learn "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart" as the pop option and "I've Got the World On A String" as the more musical theatre option. She's a pop singer, I'm more musical theatre. So we're both rooting for different pieces. It all depends on what they decide is best for the demographic of our ship though. I'm thinking it's going to lean more in my favor. It should be fun.
L.A. has been beautiful, but after just getting off the phone with my mom I guess it's been beautiful on the east coast as well. Temps have been in the 70s and 80s with NO HUMIDITY. Gorgeous. I'm loving it. Even though L.A. has smog, I can still smell the sweet scent of the various tropical plants here that give a nice calming feeling. Stress levels are definitely lower and my concentration has gone way up. No creative spurts at the moment. There's just enough room in my "bucket" (to be explained later) for the new material to sink in and become muscle memory. I'm working with some great people and impressing where I need to impress. 'Tis all good. I wish you all could get on to see these shows. It's not like these shows will run you $60/ticket. It's more like $1,800/person!! 'Tis a lot of moolah to come and see lil ole me. There's always video. It won't be the same. I've seen the videos. They don't do justice. I'll do my best. Adieu for now.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Sunny/Hazy L.A.

After a long day of flying and physicals, I got settled into my new abode where I will be sleeping the next 6 weeks. The cast of singers seem really cool upon first impressions. We all hung out the past 2 evenings watching the American Idol drama on TV at day’s end. I can’t believe Nadia got booted. Sorry Shaker Heights, but Scott Savol has got to go. The first day of rehearsal was a little nerve wrecking. I was told that there’s some new politics happening throughout the company with the singers. They seem to be cracking down on the strength and quality of the singers. So, I was a little nervous. We met with the coach yesterday and it was great. He has the reputation of being a hard ass, but he was just very passionate about getting the style across in the music so the producer would be pleased. I felt like he was watching out for us so we didn’t have any troubles in front of the head of entertainment. The 4 of us sound great together. It was a very positive environment as well as a very nurturing environment. So far this looks like it will be a fun gig. I received some great feedback on my video submission today so that made me feel awesome. The coach has been giving great feedback and that’s been feeling good. No time for writing yet. Just enough time to rehearse and socialize with the cast. Lyrics, lyrics, lyrics. They’re building a show on us here and it looks to be a lot of country. Our cast is very harmonic and blends well, so we may have a lot of good harmonies. I can’t wait.
No pics will be posted for a while. I have to get some blog advice. I can’t seem to post at the moment. Not that I have anything interesting to put up right now, but it’d be nice to have my headshot up here. =) TOFIFAY!! That was random. Time to go until next time.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Starting Anew

Here it is. My new blog! Tomorrow I board a plane to leave for Los Angeles. I'll be there for approximately 6 weeks in an intensive rehearsal process for Stiletto Entertainment to eventually board the Zaandam on Holland America line. Lots of time to take in nature, write, and refresh. This one's going to be short. It's about 3am right now and my car service is coming to get me, my two 50lb suitcases, my carry on and my laptop (basically my life in bags for the next 6 months) around 5:30am. I think I'll go get an hour of shut eye and then sleep my plane trip away. Goodnight for now.