Chris' Waves to Broadway

The crazy thoughts and adventures that take me out of my Forest Hills home and hopefully lead me back to the Broadway lights.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Love comes back around...

Since the beginning of the year, I've made contact with 3 former partners and I'm a good friend to my recent partner. It's an odd feeling. It wasn't so odd until recently. I was at the studio rehearsing and the guy who lied to me and broke my heart and then cheated on me showed up. I didn't ignore him because I'm not that kind of person, but I felt really uncomfortable. In the past few months I had been thinking about him since this new direction in my life came about. More along the lines of forgiveness. People make mistakes and it's been some time since that incident. I was cordial and chatted for a little bit, but I got swept away since I was working and had to rehearse. I never got to exchange info with him because of it, so we'll lose touch again (since I deleted all his info from the last letter I got from him where he openly admitted cheating on me whether he meant to do it or not 5 years ago). It's just funny how small a world this is. It's funny what a friendster search can do when you're bored at work as well. I was just going through names of old friends and relationships one day and another lost love showed up on line. I was delightfully surprised and shot out an e-mail. It turns out he's been the most helpful and inspiring friend in the new year. A very kind and giving soul and I'm still impressed by his talent. Around Easter I saw another one from my past. I think we are cordial friends, but like me sometimes he can be too busy with his lifestyle to communicate. My recent partner will probably turn out to be my best friend next to my best girlfriend in San Diego. Five years of being together is a long time of being together to just throw out a friendship and a good one at that. We are collaborating right now on a creative work that I hope will be a positive influence for both of us. I wonder what kharma is trying to tell me by sending my life in full circle and repeating events. Even with this cruise ship job. I'll just ride the waves and see where the current takes me next.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we are better than cordial, Christopher Scott. ;)

3:55 PM  

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