Religion = Sexist, Egotistical, Lying, Hypocritical Bigot
What has awaken me from my blogger sleep? Right-wing religious fanatics. I don’t understand it. I grew up in a time when religion meant community, fellowship and sharing a common belief to relate old stories and lessons to current situations. A feeling of good. Now religion is as dirty as the Las Vegas whores who patrol the streets getting anyone they can to buy their goods. I once learned in school that the government was formed to rule as a separate entity from the church. See, there was this big problem in history using mystical beliefs and stories passed from generations to rule lands based on an ethereal being and killing people for not having a unified belief. There needed to be some separation and based on what is happening today I don’t see it. I see religion now as a group of people clinging together to preach hatred and discrimination. White power. Arab rule. Sexism. Racism. Terrorism. That’s just to name a few hot topics that come up regularly in the press. What gives Norma Jean of Hillbilly, KY the right to tell me how to live my life based on her version of God? What if I believed in the Wiccan version of God and Goddess, which has NOTHING to do with her Christian values. Or what if I were Buddhist? She has no right to tell me I’m going to hell if I believe in rebirth. This is really getting sickening seeing how much Christianity and Mormonism in particular are influencing our government.
What am I really peeved about? Marriage. First of all, marriage should NOT be defined by our government at all for any 2 people regardless of the union. Marriage has many definitions based on the individual religious belief. The government should be formulating a law of Civil Union. If they (as in the government) are going to give tax breaks and special benefits to people who commit themselves together in monogamy over a period of time, it should be a license of Civil Union. Such license would give each partner the ability to act as each other’s security blanket in a crisis instead of calling on distant family members who may have been removed from the partnership for whatever reason and are now making claim because they are “family.” Two people who love each other should be considered “family” anyhow. Why do we deny these rights to particular individuals? At one point rights were denied to people of different races. Why?!?! They ARE human and they DO love each other. What is so wrong with the color of their skin?!?! Now we are denying same sex partnerships the right to a recognized family. Why? Once again. Dirty religion. Religion that has become commercialized and bastardized. Any God would be ashamed of Its people who shouted such absurdities in Its name. So the egotistic, racist, sexist and hypocritical bigots of our nation who would deny two humans the right to a loving bond who themselves abuse marriage can tell everyone else that marriage is this Holy sanctity that only certain individuals are allowed. If marriage is so sacred and precious, why do we have places in Vegas where you can get married like ordering at a McDonald’s? Our country is just so backwards anymore.
If we could just accept that when we decide to enter such a partnership that we get a license of Civil Union (no exceptions) our world would be a better place. Let the church decide if it will recognize the union as a “marriage” under their God. Let’s not define marriage in our judicial system at all and give that definition to the churches. That way those churches that want to be more exclusive and right-wing can have such a right to do so. After all we do live in a country where we have freedom of choice in religion. This way it is group-specific and not law. You can choose to belong to such a fellowship of people who don’t recognize your union under God or not, but they MUST recognize your union under the law. So if your doctor belongs to such a group, they can’t legally impose their beliefs on you and deny your partner rights as “family.” To do so would be injustice. They can however keep their precious “marriage” definition and say they do not believe in your union under their God. You can then acknowledge their belief and express your own under your God. Both parties can then agree to disagree, but no one is shortchanged of their constitutional right as a partnership.
However here in America we are governed by the ole greenback. Everything is money. Church groups provide money and endorse politicians in their backhanded ways. Huge corporations impose their beliefs and give funds to sway votes a certain way. Nothing is fair is it? Not in our country. We may have free enterprise, but capitalism and greed run our country. No politician really looks out for the people, but only for themselves and their pocketbook. They keep their job based on what groups they favor rather than what the collective people need in our country. Until a true humanitarian steps up to battle and wins, we will be forever lost in a country of bigots and scandals based on religious fanatics, fear of change and power hungry idiots. The sad reality is that true humanitarians are knocked down and scandalized by the bastards fighting to keep their power base. Just look at our former president. A prime example. Meanwhile we sit here in America falling behind on the movement of social progression around the globe. Other countries have already accepted it. Hell, even a few states like IOWA have already accepted any couple who wishes to be united. As a country we are weak. We let our fears run our political system. The biggest culprit being fear of change. It just frustrates me that people in our country who think “travel” is going into the next county and staying in a motel as an idea of vacation and exploration are deciding our social order. They have no idea of what else is happening in the world other than what news stations tell them, and with stations like FOX news out there that is just scary.
I stand patient now since I have no rush to be united with someone at this moment. However I feel frustrated for my close friends who have found that someone in their life and cannot be recognized as a union. They have no rights under law as a partnership other than best friends. This doesn’t hold any clout in major life decisions as in purchasing a home, making medical decisions, joint medical care or liquidation of assets (heaven forbid). Emergency contact? The only substantial one to make a decision would be the closest living relative who may be thousands of miles away and have no idea what to do.
As we approach Martin Luther King, Jr.’s memorial we can be thankful and honor his words that MOST of what he fought for has come to fruition. We have our first colored president. Yet, we are still fighting for equality in different ways. It took us 41 years to get that far. I hope we don’t have to wait another 40 years or longer for same sex equality in our future.
What am I really peeved about? Marriage. First of all, marriage should NOT be defined by our government at all for any 2 people regardless of the union. Marriage has many definitions based on the individual religious belief. The government should be formulating a law of Civil Union. If they (as in the government) are going to give tax breaks and special benefits to people who commit themselves together in monogamy over a period of time, it should be a license of Civil Union. Such license would give each partner the ability to act as each other’s security blanket in a crisis instead of calling on distant family members who may have been removed from the partnership for whatever reason and are now making claim because they are “family.” Two people who love each other should be considered “family” anyhow. Why do we deny these rights to particular individuals? At one point rights were denied to people of different races. Why?!?! They ARE human and they DO love each other. What is so wrong with the color of their skin?!?! Now we are denying same sex partnerships the right to a recognized family. Why? Once again. Dirty religion. Religion that has become commercialized and bastardized. Any God would be ashamed of Its people who shouted such absurdities in Its name. So the egotistic, racist, sexist and hypocritical bigots of our nation who would deny two humans the right to a loving bond who themselves abuse marriage can tell everyone else that marriage is this Holy sanctity that only certain individuals are allowed. If marriage is so sacred and precious, why do we have places in Vegas where you can get married like ordering at a McDonald’s? Our country is just so backwards anymore.
If we could just accept that when we decide to enter such a partnership that we get a license of Civil Union (no exceptions) our world would be a better place. Let the church decide if it will recognize the union as a “marriage” under their God. Let’s not define marriage in our judicial system at all and give that definition to the churches. That way those churches that want to be more exclusive and right-wing can have such a right to do so. After all we do live in a country where we have freedom of choice in religion. This way it is group-specific and not law. You can choose to belong to such a fellowship of people who don’t recognize your union under God or not, but they MUST recognize your union under the law. So if your doctor belongs to such a group, they can’t legally impose their beliefs on you and deny your partner rights as “family.” To do so would be injustice. They can however keep their precious “marriage” definition and say they do not believe in your union under their God. You can then acknowledge their belief and express your own under your God. Both parties can then agree to disagree, but no one is shortchanged of their constitutional right as a partnership.
However here in America we are governed by the ole greenback. Everything is money. Church groups provide money and endorse politicians in their backhanded ways. Huge corporations impose their beliefs and give funds to sway votes a certain way. Nothing is fair is it? Not in our country. We may have free enterprise, but capitalism and greed run our country. No politician really looks out for the people, but only for themselves and their pocketbook. They keep their job based on what groups they favor rather than what the collective people need in our country. Until a true humanitarian steps up to battle and wins, we will be forever lost in a country of bigots and scandals based on religious fanatics, fear of change and power hungry idiots. The sad reality is that true humanitarians are knocked down and scandalized by the bastards fighting to keep their power base. Just look at our former president. A prime example. Meanwhile we sit here in America falling behind on the movement of social progression around the globe. Other countries have already accepted it. Hell, even a few states like IOWA have already accepted any couple who wishes to be united. As a country we are weak. We let our fears run our political system. The biggest culprit being fear of change. It just frustrates me that people in our country who think “travel” is going into the next county and staying in a motel as an idea of vacation and exploration are deciding our social order. They have no idea of what else is happening in the world other than what news stations tell them, and with stations like FOX news out there that is just scary.
I stand patient now since I have no rush to be united with someone at this moment. However I feel frustrated for my close friends who have found that someone in their life and cannot be recognized as a union. They have no rights under law as a partnership other than best friends. This doesn’t hold any clout in major life decisions as in purchasing a home, making medical decisions, joint medical care or liquidation of assets (heaven forbid). Emergency contact? The only substantial one to make a decision would be the closest living relative who may be thousands of miles away and have no idea what to do.
As we approach Martin Luther King, Jr.’s memorial we can be thankful and honor his words that MOST of what he fought for has come to fruition. We have our first colored president. Yet, we are still fighting for equality in different ways. It took us 41 years to get that far. I hope we don’t have to wait another 40 years or longer for same sex equality in our future.