Chris' Waves to Broadway

The crazy thoughts and adventures that take me out of my Forest Hills home and hopefully lead me back to the Broadway lights.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Friday, January 20, 2006

Sadam as Bush’s Advisor?

Well, I was reading in the little Metro paper that the subway hands out for free this morning. It’s a small way to keep up with the times. Apparently Google is taking a stand and not abiding by the warrant to give the government access to the search databases where Yahoo just flat out gave this information to the government. This is a way for the government to step in and see who is searching where. It also violates the Privacy Act and certain freedoms we enjoy here in the United States. Bush evidently found a loophole in the law that prevents him from abusing the power of wire taps, reading e-mails, and the like. More and more I’m thinking we’re progressing to third world status and frankly it’s embarrassing. So many people come here looking for opportunity and freedom from repression and now we’re a laughing stock throughout the world. Canada’s now the new best place to live with national healthcare (no PPOs or HMOs to cut holes in your pockets) and certain social freedoms. With our government now pushing wire taps, search warrants on search engines, and all other kinds of privacy violations our rights to live as we please are being tossed out the window. Along with the scare tactics of Bush and his minions feeding us news about terrorist threats, asking Muslims to register with the government, holding and torturing captives in foreign detention centers and allowing Christian groups to rule this country with their closed minded beliefs (even though his popularity poll is sinking rapidly among all groups), I have to wonder if Sadam is giving him advice on how to run this country. It seems like we’re turning into a dictatorship rather than a democracy here. Of course the fools who voted him into office because they were “scared” about invasion or worried about their big fat paychecks didn’t look at the other aspects of his stupidity in the first 4 years. He can’t handle things well. September 11 and now Hurricane Katrina are prime examples of how he’s just been a “deer in headlights” leader. What’s next? Is he going to ask the gays to register with the government fearing that we’ll rise up and take over the country demoralizing his land and upsetting his beloved closed minded Christian groups? Will he start ransacking our homes like they did before the constitution was written and arresting people for some of the stupid laws in various states that violate our freedoms? Is he going to start arresting people who speak out against his inefficiencies until they apologize? He’s just pouting in my opinion because he’s a kid who didn’t get his way. Grow up and take responsibility.


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