Chris' Waves to Broadway

The crazy thoughts and adventures that take me out of my Forest Hills home and hopefully lead me back to the Broadway lights.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome 2006!!!

Another year begins and we're one more year closer to a new decade. I can't believe how time flies these days. This winter so far has brought back memories of winters over 5 years ago. I had a performing gig coming up and there was that anticipation, relaxation, and happiness. I'm getting those same feelings of anticipation to start performing again which is just enough time to recuperate from the last gig. Also I'm getting anticipation to go to Europe and excited to see all those places and to work with some people I've worked with already. There's also PLENTY of relaxation. I worked a little bit but was let go because of the limitations I have on my availability. The company was looking for a more long term worker, but I was only looking for a temporary slot to help bring in some cash. Then the strike happened and my trip to Ohio. SO, I've had lots of time to just relax my mind. On the flip side, my body has relaxed quite a bit too, so I have to get into a gym soon. Especially after all that good holiday indulgence. Happiness comes from seeing all my friends and family again after a long time away and I'll still see more friends in California in March when I'm in L.A. and even in February when some come to NYC via a ship. Most everyone seems to be doing well so that also makes me happy. It's a good way to ring in 2006 and I hope these feelings of happiness keep constant throughout the year. 2005 was pretty good, but I'm sure 2006 will be much better.


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