Chris' Waves to Broadway

The crazy thoughts and adventures that take me out of my Forest Hills home and hopefully lead me back to the Broadway lights.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Next stop, the world...

And so I'm off again. Los Angeles is my new home for 2 months as I rehearse for my worldly adventure. I had a nice visit at home before leaving on this next adventure. I'll get to see family again at Christmas before I head out to sea for 8 months. I was lucky enough to reconnect with one of my old friends from my Singing Angel days in Cleveland. It was lovely to see her and her adorable son. We caught up as much as we could on the past 15 years and reminisced about the old days including a funny moment where she caught my mom's bouquet. She remembered at how it just landed on her and she was in the back. It flew over all the girls' heads and landed on her. I didn't remember and my mom had just gotten her videos converted from VHS to DVD. Ahh, the new age of media. So I watched and sure enough as I was watching the reception the bouquet just soared over everyone's head and landed right on her. It was hilarious. I was also amused at my inexperienced video taping skills. My mom sent me out on a mission to get everyone at the reception on film and I was laughing as I watched me taping a relative who just went on and on about me going off to college while I had the camera on. I was yelling at myself to just shut the camera off. She just kept going and the camera kept taping. Also I saw myself singing at 18 at my mom's wedding. Oy! My friends were at the reception and it was a good time, but oh my God the hair. All the women's styles at the time were bangs up and perms. Whoa did the bangs get high. That was the defining thing I could pick out about the 90s and early 90s at that. The 80s styles were still lingering. I also looked back on pictures since meeting my friend and it's so interesting to see yourself in the past and remember those moments. While at home my mom discovered she'd been riding the bus with another friend of mine from that era for 7 years and didn't even know it. She was talking with one of her riding buddies one day about me and the girl recognized my name since she overheard and wha-la. 'Tis a small world. I also once again reconnected with my friend from college who is co-founder of Kalliope Stages in Cleveland Heights. It was great to see him again and one of his productions. This one was "Night Club Confidential" and it was a stellar performance made by all. So once again I leave my past behind me and travel off to new experiences that will eventually lead me to a road of being debt free and closer to my ultimate goal of performing on the great white way. I must say that getting there has been a bumpy, but adventurous road and I can't wait to see what's in store.


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