Chris' Waves to Broadway

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Friday, October 03, 2008

The Fight Over Gay Marriage...

Unionization, civil bond, civil commitment, or whatever you call it, call it something. After watching the debates it appears that neither Obama nor McCain are in favor of gay marriage. Marriage being the key word here seeing that no one seems to want to change the definition of marriage from a union of a man and a woman to something else. Give the word to the religious fanatics who want to use this to define their bonds and a way to express their love to one another. Obama and Biden ARE in favor of civil fairness. Meaning that although religion seems to control what can be called marriage, the government can give the same benefits as defined in marriage to those loving couples who unite under different definitions. All we ask for are the same tax benefits, hospital visitation rights, adoption rights, property rights, and so forth that other couples can share as defined by the government under marriage. We can still be a family as recognized by the government. We need separation from church and state anyway as written by our forefathers. Religious differences in history have been the major cause of wars. Why fight over a word that religious officials do not want to relinquish to the political scene? Just give it a new name and let those who have their strong faith keep the word to define their unions. This will not only strengthen our nation as a tolerant nation as these candidates seem to be defending, but it will further separate our government from being mandated by religion.


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