Chris' Waves to Broadway

The crazy thoughts and adventures that take me out of my Forest Hills home and hopefully lead me back to the Broadway lights.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Expensive Tasks...

A day of accomplishment in Juneau, Alaska. I spent quite the sum of money however, but I still feel great. The only bad news really came yesterday when I went to turn on my iPod only to find out it died on me. Number 3 down the tubes. The good news is I can now convert to the newer models that no longer have easily damaged moving parts. The old ones and the current classic-style video iPod are really just hard drives that play music. This means that when they are toted around or used for exercise or you shuffle music on them excessively, they get worn out fast. Not to mention if you record on them, they REALLY get worn fast. So, I will now look into the Nano for exercising and practicing and the new iPod Touch for everyday use. The Nanos run cheap now. It's the Touch that can get pricey, but that's because it also has GPS, Internet, video, and all kinds of other special bells and whistles. It's an investment and in theory it should last longer. However along with the stiff price, it also brings less space. Boo. I'll just get the Nano now less than $60, and maybe upgrade later to the bells and whistles kind. The iPod was not my major expenditure though. It was my dentistry. Yes. A dental checkup for approximately $400 including digital x-rays, a consultation, and a cleaning. I guess the fuel crisis is running its course in the medical profession too. I was thoroughly impressed with the service and the digital x-rays were amazing. No radiation whatsoever. It popped up on the computer next to me in seconds and I could see my fate. Good news. No cavities!!! This was definitely good news since I hadn't had a cleaning in over a year. Thank God for Sonicare toothbrushes. I live by their credibility. I was told I had nice strong teeth and healthy gums. A simple cleaning and a little fluoride for the sensitive areas was all I needed. The digital x-rays are what cost though. Whew. State of the art. I don't mind spending that much on the protection of my mouth though. I especially need to protect that area in my industry. After getting one major stress off my back this morning I did some healthy snack shopping in the organic aisle and then met some friends for good times at the bowling alley. It was cold in Juneau and overcast. The conditions on the mountains are still too sketchy for hiking, so we kept ourselves occupied with some good ole American fun. After I exhausted myself in bowling I took in the local Yoga class for the evening. Ahhh. Relaxation and stretching. This class is a killer, but afterwards I feel so open and stretched. It's the longer days like this where I can forget about ship life and the confinement that ensues after all aboard. Juneau days and Victoria days are my refresher days. It's when I can be off the ship at some point in the evening to enjoy a bit of real life. The other ports go by too quick with all aboard in Ketchikan at 12:30pm, Seattle at 2:30pm, and Sitka at 4:00pm. We have 2 official sea days, but since we leave Ketchikan so early and arrive in Victoria at 6:00pm, we really have 2 more. I love my port time.

On the flip side, it is nice to be on board in this turbulent time. The fuel prices are affecting EVERYTHING from travel to the snacks you buy on the shelves. Energy costs, phone bills, merchants of all types, rents, and housing all affected. I only require a shop for snacks once in a while and some recreation now and then. It costs, but not as much as if I were on land right now paying into rent, utilities and transport. Whoa!! I hope the creative inventors bringing out such small wonders as the iPod Touch or even as intense as the new A.I. coming into the market can find a way to make clean fuels that don't eat up our earth's resources. First and foremost we need to pull out of this stupid war that's running our economy into the ground. Oil seems to be getting higher no matter what. Save money and souls and get those people out of there. I haven't been watching the political races, but I know that Obama has come out on top for the Democratic candidate. I sure hope Hilary accepts his offer to run on the same ticket. I feel this would FINALLY give our country the respect for breaking out of the conservative mold we've buried ourselves in and it would set our goals in a positive direction for a better economy and government. Only 202 more days of this retard in office. After 7 years of this crap, 202 days just seems too long. He needs out NOW! This time I hope our country can vote without fear.


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