Chris' Waves to Broadway

The crazy thoughts and adventures that take me out of my Forest Hills home and hopefully lead me back to the Broadway lights.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Friday, December 07, 2007

First Weeks...

It has been a while since I put any thoughts down. Not much is happening out here in the ole Caribbean. This itinerary, though exciting to some, is less eventful for me. A relaxing itinerary. There are lots of beaches, bars, and plenty of days of sunshine. This isn't the crazy and hectic itinerary of the worldly nature where everyday is new, exciting, and exhausting. I like it. Especially since I have my own room.

We left Los Angeles a while ago embarking on a plane to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and then eventually embarking on the ship. I met one of my friends in Ft. Lauderdale and will be meeting many more over the course of time. Ft. Lauderdale is so convenient for calling and meeting friends. I can also receive mail!! Woo hoo!! The shows are delightfully representative of everyone's talents and we only do 3 shows a week. One of those shows is only 20 minutes long and I'm only in maybe 8 minutes of that time. Even in one of our big shows that are about an hour long I only have about 15 minutes of stage time. This next show that we're performing tonight is my big work out show. This will be a fabulous contract to really re-coop and re-organize things to make the move back to NYC. However as someone already told me that although others scrutinize THIS type of work in the entertainment business, it is a job that pays well and can be consistent and rewarding. I know I can do this job into my mid forties if need be since I know some friends STILL doing it in their forties. It'll be something after this contract to keep in my back pocket. With the sparse outcroppingoutcropping of shows coming into NYC and floating around the country, more actors are looking to cruises for work. At least I know I have priority on this line over those who are coming in brand new.

The holidays are coming up so quickly. Although out here in the Caribbean the temps are in the mid 80s and it's snowing back home. It's weird to here Christmas music to the sound of a reggae beat. The ship is all decked out in holiday décor and every night I'm out as the sun goes down I feel like I'm attending a Christmas party of some sort. This will be my first Christmas at sea. A new experience. I get homesick from time to time seeing all the decorations up and just remembering how I used to sit in the living room (wherever I was) and stare at the Christmas tree all lit up in the darkness. It gave me peace. Now I have about 25 trees to choose from all over the ship, but it's hardly my living room. I can't very well go out there in my pajamas with my cocoa or tea and just stare or maybe fall asleep for a bit gazing at the pretty lights. I'll also miss driving around (although bitterly cold in both NYC and Ohio) listening to Christmas music and seeing all the houses decorated with lights. We will be doing some caroling on the eve and on the day of. We even have a show on the day of, which will be totally new for me altogether. I'm looking forward to the New Year though. This is my home now until October. Let's see where 2008 takes me.


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