Chris' Waves to Broadway

The crazy thoughts and adventures that take me out of my Forest Hills home and hopefully lead me back to the Broadway lights.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Monday, May 16, 2005

My Old Home...

Balboa Park

Ahhh. San Diego in Balboa Park as the sun sets in the west. It was my paradise of a home for 2 years. A fabulous luxury apartment 2 blocks from Sail Bay Beach in Pacific Beach (for less than $1,000/month!!), a whole year of 70 degrees and sunny, good friends, and beauty all around. It was relaxing and balanced out the stress of not having much to live on. This is definitely where I'll come once I'm finished with the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry and I've worn out my excitement of living in NYC. If I had it my way I'd be bicoastal. So when things got a little overwhelming in NYC, I'd just run out here and do a little gig to calm my nerves.

I did have a chance this weekend to revisit the old area and see some of my good friends out here (Sarah, Devin, Michael, Gladys, Marianne, and Eric).
San Diego Peeps

These wonderful people brought me back to memories of huge dinners, the Fat Bastard Club, Moonlight, Festivals, Mafia, Christmas on the Prado, and just good fun. I miss my NYC friends just as well, but San Diego will always hold a special place in my heart. It was my first west coast home and such a welcoming one it was. The entertainment industry is fascinating. I have friends all over the world because of the travelling I've done and I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to do so. I even love to reconnect with folks I haven't seen or heard from in ages. It's a fascinating industry of creativity, drama, and bonds and that's why my heart is in it so much. Wherever my craft takes me, I hope to keep making new friends as well as keeping the old ones close to my heart.


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